4 Ways to reduce losses in transport charges

Managing transport fee is one of the big challenges for school management.
During disussion with prospacts, clients, school managers, transport incharge's and implementation of school transport software, we found some common problems in school transport management that lead to financial losses. At some placesthat some schools are paying more money to the transporters than what they are actually receiving from students due flaws in manual transport fee management.
Whether you are managing it manually or through software’s like Sarmang Software’s InstitutePlus: Transport, you can reduce the losses in transport management by managing certains things. 4 Ways to do so are disussed below.
1. Latest bus stoppage/pickup record

Transport managers and other concerned departments must have correct and updated information of STOPPAGE/PICKUP of every student. STOPPAGE/PICKUP may lead to loss if not updated specially, where transport charges depends on the STOPPAGE/PICKUP.
In case of any changes in STOPPAGE/PICKUP of any student, immediately update it in records and inform for the update to other concerned departments like fee & accounts.
2. Records of new candidates availing school transport

Whenever a new candidate starts availing school transport, immediately update it in transport records and inform other concerned departments like fee & accounts.
3. Transport policy for bus stoppage/route change & new application

Draft a policy and procedure to start availing school and change transport location/stoppage. The policy should be strictly followed by the authorities, transport managers, clerks, drivers, conductors & students.
4. Regular watch on fuel consumption and fuel price

Regular watch on fuel consumption and fuel price will help you to know, when to increase transport fee. Otherwise you may go in loss.
Fuel consumption records will help you to know vehicle efficiency, and whether a vehicle needs service before its schedule time.
All the above mentioned points can be implemented manually as well as using a good software solution that can be customized to your needs.
Sarmang Software's School Fee Management Solution "InstitutePlus: Fee" has all the powers to manage your transport fee.
Click Here to know about Transport Fee Management Software