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“Explore, Experience, Evolve and Exceed” 4E’s of life. These E’s we had also experienced during the five years journey of our product CCE PARIKSHAPHAL: Report card software solution based on CCE guidelines. Our CCE PARIKSHAPHAL went through series of development and improvisation since its inception. It has taught us one important lesson that there is always room for improvisation in everything and those who claim to be perfect cannot evolve and thus cannot sustain changes.
In October 2009, Central Board of Secondary Education reformed the examination evaluation method and introduced new historic concept in Indian education “Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation” called CCE, an assessment that covers all aspects of student’s development. All the teachers and principals were trained in this respect.
We had earlier designed a report card software (PARIKSHAPHAL) for Manava Bharti International School,Mussoorie in 2007. After the introduction of CCE, Mr. Michael D’Souza ,then the Principal, MBISM contacted us regarding development of new report card software based on CBSE CCE guidelines.
Mr. D’Souza, equipped us with all the necessary details, documentation and study material required for deeper study of CCE system of evaluation. With his guidance & support and incredible determination, hard work & unremitting devotion of our project team we were ready with our product within two month i.e. till December 2009. As this was enhanced version of PARIKSHAPHAL we named it “CCE-PARIKSHAPHAL and successfully installed at MBISM. This was our first CCE PARIKSHAPHAL installation.
Introduced Bulk printing, LAN access and Tabulation(Green sheet)
The CCE PARIKSHAPHAL which was implemented at MBISM could print one report card at a time and required multiple commands for printing multiple report cards. This was making printing report card a tedious process.
We worked on this aspect and in Jan 2010, we implemented CCE which had LAN access and had facility of Bulk Report card printing, at Kasiga School, Dehradun. This helped in printing multiple report cards at a single command, saving huge chunk of time & energy.
This improved version of CCE PARIKSHAPHAL also had the facility of Data Tabulation of all subjects of whole class on a single sheet called Green Sheet. It contained complete information of FA’S, SA’S marks, conversion of FA’S and SA’S marks on the basis of the weight-age given to particular assessment and conversion of these marks into grades .This sheet was kept as a record for future reference. Earlier teachers had to maintained different files for keeping records of different data but after Green sheet, a single sheet was enough.A single sheet served the complete purpose of record keeping
Feature of Multiple assessment, Graph and ONLINE Result
As per earlier CBSE CCE guidelines’, the assessment of formatives performance of a student should not be entirely based on his/her performance on a particular assessment but it should be calculated on the basis of multiple assessments.
In April 2010, For Grace Academy School, Dehradun, as per their requirements we added features of multiple assessments under assessment of formatives and the graphical representation of result of each subject, on CCE PARIKSHAPHAL.
We had also made access of FA’S & SA’S result ONLINE, which students and their parents could view on school website.
While working for Grace Academy School, we found that teachers were facing great difficulty in preparing list of students from green sheet who were lying below the minimum passing marks. It was becoming backbreaking task for them. We thought of making it easier and introduced new feature in CCE in which marks lying below the minimum required marks for promotion would get automatically highlighted. This made teacher task much easier, where earlier they were scrolling on the whole sheet now get confined to few scrolling of mouse .
Automatic Grade Up- gradation, Export marks on excel, Inclusion of ASL
Under CBSE CCE guidelines, marks of students would be upgrade in one or two subjects on the basis of student’s co-scholastic activities.
In June 2010, we had implemented CCE which had automatic grade -up-gradation feature on the basis of co-scholastic activities, for Convent of Jesus & Mary, Waverly, Mussorrie .The new enhanced CCE Report card software solution also had the feature of copying marks from their prepared sheet and pasting it into excel sheet of board software.
ASL(assessment of speaking and learning) of English language, is a part of SA’S. The SA’s total is inclusive of ASL. We made separate inclusion of ASL grade in our CCE PARIKSHAPHAL. This helped students to assess their ASL performance separately from SA’S total. We had also made possible automatic conversion of marks into grades on the basis of weight-age given to the particular assessment. This confined teacher’s task to marks entries only.
Till the end of year 2010 CCE PARIKSHPHAL explored new features like Bulk printing, Graph & Multiple Assessments under Formatives. This year CCE PARIKSHPHAL was installed at Swami Pranavanand Vidya mandir, Ukimath, our first project outside the city. We were thrilled and enthusiastic that people were recognising and appreciating our work and we were living up to their expectations. Since then long lists of schools/institutes within the city &outside the city were kept on added in our lists of clients, gave us opportunity to evolve and exceed which is still continue.
Year 2011-12 were proved remarkable year for the journey of CCE PARIKSHAPHAL. In these years slow and steady pace of CCE got wings .Our continuous hard-work, dedication, determination to be better than before succeed in winning trust and reliability of our clients and we got recognition in different region of other states and countries also. In year 2011-12 we had implemented CCE PARIKSHAPHAL at SD Public school, Muzzafarnagar, first school from Uttar Pradesh, at Indian school Salalah, Oman: first international school and in various other schools from Pauri, Rishikesh, Bhogpur, Meerut etc.
Signature Embedding, Subject-wise tabulation and House performance:
We strive for giving best to our client. In Jan 2011 we added some new features in our CCE PARIKSHAPHAL to enhance our client working experience. We added signature embedding feature in which principal signature was already embedded, made subject wise tabulation of data possible and inclusion of school house performances on report card. We implemented this enhanced version of CCE at DSB International School,Risikesh.
Auto Indicator Picking on selection Of Grade, Duplex printing & Different size Page –up Set up for Report Card & Tabulation:
Learning and improving never end, it goes hand in hand, as long as we are learning new things, there will be room for improvement.
In Jan 2011, for SD Public School, Muzzafarnagar, we had provided duplex printing ready report card facility in which after printing one side, rest of data would automatically get printed on other side. This improved version of CCE also had facility of different size paper setup for Report card and Tabulation.
We had added one more vital feature of automatic recommendation of remarks on the basis of grades, to enrich our client experience. Earlier teachers had to write down the remarks on the basis of students grades. This feature cut down their pen-paper work and made report card preparation fully automated.
CCE PARIKSHPHAL for junior wing based on CCE
Innovation mean adding something new to an existing product or process ;It is a key to success .As we were progressing with time, we were learning new things and were innovating new features adding value to our existing product and making it more valuable or helpful for our customers. In September 2011, for Golden Heart Academy, we designed CCE PARIKSHPHAL for junior wings and also prepared module for 11th and 12th based on Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation.
Two-Fold Report Card
In year 2012 we made our first foreign installation at Indian School,Salalah, Oman. We had implemented CCE for them from Playgroup to 12th. It had many new features like two fold report card facility, pre-board feature for 11th and 12th and option to search student’s details.
Student data/Marks excel sheet import option
In year 2012 we added one more feature of importing excel sheet in CCE PARIKSHPHAL, providing our clients much better experience than before. Teachers could now import their excel sheets of marks or student data just by single click. This eliminated the headache of retyping, tallying and making correction. On September 2012, we had implemented it at Doon International School, Dehradun for entire school.
Complete Online Solution, Students/Parents login to access Report card
We were exploring every aspects of market, customer and product by which we serve our people nationally or internationally much better than anyone else. In this regard we introduced complete online solution of CCE PARIKSHPHAL, which was free from installation and could be accessed by internet from anywhere 24*7. An individual login Id and password were provided to the clients by which they could access CCE PARIKSHAPHAL.
In Feb 2013, Radhwa International School, Saudi Arabia became our first international client using our online version of CCE. This Complete Online CCE version also had a feature of individual login for parents/students by which they could view or download CCE Report card anytime from anywhere.
There has been continuous evolution in CCE PARIKSHPHAL since its inception and this evolution will remain continue to enhance or improved customer engagement, experience and convenience. We are continuously searching new ways to create value and long lasting relationship with the customers and are constantly re-inventing and re-examining our product to add more efficiency in its performance .It could say that it has became a fundamental requisite of every product to continuously evolve according to the ever changing requirement of the customers for their survival and growth.