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Report card preparation is one of the most cumbersome, tedious and mundane task. It consume huge chunk of time and resources. During academic session, once examination ends, the trouble of School staff especially teaching staff begins; they get overloaded with the task. They have to carry out their daily routine functioning along with report card preparation of hundreds of students. It hampers their work efficiency.
CCE Based Evaluation in education System left teachers stressed
With the introduction of Continuous & Comprehensive Evaluation in education system in 2009 the pressure on teaching staff rose to an extreme extent. It stresses on the Assessment of learners in totality through various tools and techniques.
CCE Based Report card preparation became most challenging task for school administration:-
They were looking for the solution which would help them:-
Technology helped in better execution of CCE in education system
Automated software solution for report card generation was the one solution for all the problems. It reduced 95% of work load and helped school administration in focusing their key areas. The success of CCE based evaluation system mainly lies in the qualitative assessment of learner and the remedial measures suggested by the teachers. After implementation of software solution in schools, teaching staff get enough time that they could concentrate fully on the learner formative and summative assessment rather than indulging themselves on other calculative or paper work.
CCE based Report card software solution marked the way towards school automation
Success of CCE based software solution, its positive impact on the work efficiency of staffs and the qualitative result it bought to the school, drive schools towards automated process.After the success of CCE based report card software solution most of the schools have automated their complete administrtive activities from fee, transport, human resource, library to time table . The automation helps them to streamlined their work flow and imparts complete transparency and visibility to their functioning. Their success can easily be estimated with the higher ROI. Educational sector is now not hesitating to adopt even complete ERP.
“The education sector like everything else is evolving with the times. Technology can help the education sector move forward. Though technology can be a vehicle for quality education, multiple components of a school system must come together to drive overall positive results and among this multiple components human resources is the vital one. Without the support and cooperation of working staff no technology can ever add value to any sector.”