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  • 6/1 Hathi Barkala, Dehradun
  • Why to undergo Industrial Training ?
    Training means an organized activity aimed at imparting required skills set, information or knowledge to improve the recipient's performance or to help him/her to meet their career goals.Nowadays technology is developing continuously and at a faster rate, what is new today get obsolete within an hour.
    Why should one go for Live Project Training?
    If you are pursuing B.Tech., MCA or any other technical course, you need to go for Internship or Project Training. The aim of Internship/Project Training is to get exposed to the real world implementation of the things you have studied...
    Updates from CBSE for Conduct of Summative Assessment II for classes IX & X (Academic Session 2012 - 2013)
    The Board earlier used to provide Question papers and marking scheme to conduct the SA through CDs. This year the CBSE has decided to make the distribution system better and safer by providing each school with two sets of unique question papers generated...
    Tips to reduce workload during report card printing
    Different Sections of Report Card which we have to manage through the software. For convenience we can do some work in advance so that during the final marks entry & report card printing we have minimum work in hand
    Summer Training/Summer Internship/Project Training
    Dummy Project VS LIVE PROJECT What is a dummy project? Dummy project is a project/application which utilizes our skills and enables us to experiment on a virtual plan. In a real-time scenario, this setting is of a little help. There are no guidelines...
    Software requirement plays the key role in developing customized software solutions
    Gathering software requirement from client plays a vital role in software development, this phase actually decides the manpower & skills required, time and cost of development...
    Software requirement is the key part in software development cycle
    The more detail you collect from the clients, less you have to work on re-design, re-code, re-test & support. Client has a different point of about software solution & the success of project depends on how better we match client...
    Software Maintenance A Software Rejuvenation Strategy
    What would you do if suddenly you found that Google would not open on your new smartphone or tab or iPad due to compatibility issues? Imagine the internet was down worldwide for a day how chaotic could it be? In today’s tech savvy world...
    Sarmang Milestone Year 2013
    Implemented admission process management solution for a school.Developed order processing & billing solution for Pharma company Started DSC (Digital Signature Certificate) work in collaboration with MARG associates.Started GIS (Geographic Information System )...
    Retail Moving on Cloud
    Retail is one of the oldest industries which continually evolving, expanding and adapting new methodology & technology for handling their business processes. In this era of digital technology, the competition between retail houses either is virtual stores or brick & mortar stores roses to extreme, everyone one wants to stay ahead in terms of delivering seamless buying experience to their customers.
    POS SYSTEM “Heart of today's Retailing”
    Retail is one of the largest private industries in the world which significantly contributes in country GDP and employment generation. This sector shown tremendous growth in past 10 years from unorganized retailing to organized retail format. Increase in consumerism, globalization & liberalization of economy have encourage every big name of business world, manufacturers and even foreign investors to make their entry
    PAYROLL SOFTWARE: An easy way to manage payroll
    Human resource is the most important resource of an organization. The fate of the organization lies in the hand of its man power, so its management in most effective way is must. Employees should be kept satisfied and motivated for the better functioning of an organization. Paying remuneration and the compensation plays an important role in employee’s retention and satisfaction .It is the way of rewarding their con
    The world is moving towards the higher dependence on on-line technologies, from banking, shopping, business, communicating with other people etc everything going online making internet access as it pre-requisite condition. In the past few years, with the advancement of technology, education and learning field also undergo immense change and a new concept of learning and acquiring knowledge arose called online-learnin
    One More Chance of improvement for cbse class ix students in 2013-2014 session
    The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has introduced a new guidelines for students of class IX of Session 2013-2014. CBSE has now made mandatory for the students of class IX to get a minimum of 25 per cent marks in their summative assessments...
    My Experience with cce report card software cce parikshaphal
    I am Implementing CCE: PARIKSHAPHAL, Report card software for CBSE Schools based on CCE guidelines of CBSE. In October 2009, our company SARMANG SOFTWARE implemented CCE: PARIKSHAPHAL, after the introduction of CBSE Grading CCE. Since then we have...
    Linux and Windows both are operating systems which differ in their functionality and user friendliness. Linux is developed by Open Source development i.e. through sharing and collaboration of code and features, through forums and it is freely distributed through magazines, books and can be downloaded freely
    Latest updates in CBSE CCE REPORT CARD for session 2012-2013
    CBSE has made some changes related to CCE Report Card for session 2012-2013. 1 . Well defined grade up-scaling policy for session 2012-2013. 2. Same subjects should be opted by a candidate under Scholastic Areas Part 1(A) in Class IX and Class X.
    Industrial Training: time to sharpen your skills
    Summers are back with a fresh new offering on learning. We hope you would have dug deep into the lessons. Let us give you a chance to apply all the "fundas".Be it science or technology, you need to jump out of the regular...
    How Traditional Retail Market can boom with the new Technology
    The technology has given us new tool to rule “Internet” the most remarkable and significant invention being made in the mankind. Today life and business both cannot be imagine without it. The internet has added a new dimension to the traditional...
    How to Calculate Subject Eligibility for Grade Up-gradation
    Step 1: Calculate overall marks, overall grades, formative assessment total (FA1 + FA2 + FA3 + FA4), summative assessment total (SA1 + SA2) of all main subjects only (English, Hindi, Mathematics, Science and Social Studies). Step 2: Remove the subjects from...
    Everyone should use linux
    Use Linux for 1 1. Saving computing cost 2. Peace of mind 3. Saving computing resources 4. Its Secure 5. No Licensing Issue ( thanks to copyleft )
    Customized CCE grade calculation
    Customized CCE grade calculation
    Co-Scholastics for Class IX - X for session 2012-2013
    Grades for Co-scholastic areas & activities should be A, B, C, D, & E instead of A+, A, B, B+ & C used earlier.
    CCE REPORT CARD Software Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
    Is it based on CBSE CCE system?Since introduction of CCE System, the board is regularly making new changes in CCE system. Do you provide any update for these? Whether the software is online or offline? What support/services will you provide ?...
    CCE pattern for 2012 - 2013 session
    1:-For Classes IX-X: Scholastic 2:-For Classes VI- VII: Scholastic 3:-Different co-Scholastic for Classes VI-VIII & IX-X. 4:-All Co-scholastic Areas on 5 point scale for all classes.
    CCE PARIKSHAPHAL: How it evolved in the journey of 5 years
    “Explore, experience, evolve and exceed” 4E's of life.It is true for everything for every . These E's we had experienced during the 5years journey of our product CCE PARIKSHAPHAL: Report card software based on CCE guidelines.It has also taught us one important lesson that nothing is perfect, there is room of change in everything and those who claim to be perfect cannot evolve and thus cannot sustain change. We le
    CCE Marks to grade conversion card
    CCE Marks to grade conversion card [PART1]
    Report card preparation is one of the most cumbersome, tedious and mundane task. It consume huge chunk of time and resources. During academic session, once examination ends, the trouble of School staff especially teaching staff begins; they get overloaded with the task.
    CBSE Class IX & X Students Must score atleast 25 per cent Marks in SA to be Promoted
    The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has introduced a new guidelines for students of class IX and Class X. CBSE has now made mandatory for the students of class IX to get a minimum of 25 per cent marks in their summative assessments...
    lect maximum marks (in range of 5 to 100 in multiple of 5) from the dropdown menu below as per your convinence and get the desired list of marks, grade & grade point. ...
    CBSE CCE CGPA and percentage calculator
    CBSE CCE CGPA and percentage calculator
    Automation:- A Growing Need of Today’s Retailing Sector
    One thing which is constant in business is “CHANGE” and those who adapt themeselves with this change emerge as a survivor and those who do not, lost somewhere in the book of history or in the memories of people. It is true to said that “Change is the key...
    Automate Report card preparation process with cce parikshaphal
    CCE: PARIKSHAPHAL helps you in.Features of CCE: PARIKSHAPHAL.Technical Information related to CCE: PARIKSHAPHAL...
    Automate Report card perpration process
    With the implementation of CCE grading system by CBSE in October 2009, work load on teachers & coordinators has increased by many folds. Specially for those who are involved in report card preparation process. In CCE all exams have different...
    CCE Marks to grade conversion card [part2]
    4 ways to reduce losses in transpost charges
    Managing transport fee is one of the big challenges for school management. During disussion with prospacts, clients, school managers, transport incharge’s and implementation of school transport software, we found some common problems in school transport management that lead to...
    11 Things to do before implement barcode enabled software
    The very first thing to do is make a list of all your distributors with their complete details like address, contact numbers (personal, office, home etc), email id, official website...
    10 Advantages of Using Fee Software in School
    School fee is an all inclusive term that refers to all those expenses those parents/guardians or students themselves might be expected to pay.