training Areas

Terms & Conditions

General terms & conditions for project training :-
Reference materials, online tutorials, books and project details will be provided only for reference at the training center.

All the trainees are required to understand project and learn all the prerequisite of the project within the time allotted for the same. All the work should be done at training center only.

It is mandatory to perform all the assigned tasks within time.

Each trainees should work at least 4 hours per day.

No holidays other than Sundays will be provided during the training period.

Training certificate will be awarded only for the actual work done during the training period.

No certificate will be awarded to candidates, who haven’t completed the tasks assigned.

 No one is allowed to take softcopy of any material related or not related to the project without prior permission of Project Guide, Project Leader or Project Manager.

On completion of the training, candidates are required to submit hard and soft copy of project report and all project deliverables.

Source code should not be provided to the candidates for any means and any circumstances.

On Successful completion of training, certificate along with a copy of project report shall be provided to the trainees.

Sarmang has the rights  to :-
        Change project or task assigned at any time.
        Assign project to candidates and built project team.
        Assign training hours & shift.

Our  products covers diverse industry verticals ranging  from web portals ,web applications, education management system, geographic management system to planning.   

We provide varied range of services to our clients which help in smooth running of the business, provide high level of efficiency & flexibility and maximize their satisfaction level. Our services reflect our commitment towards quality assurance  which is major part of Sarmang proposition.